Sunday, August 31, 2008


I'm starting this blog so friends and family can stay up-t0-date on Fiona's growth. So many of you live too far away to see her on a daily basis. She's already changed so much in her first three months! Here's an overview of her growth thus far.
  • Born May 29, 2008 weighing 8 lbs 11 oz, 21 1/4 inches long

  • Since then she's gained about 4 lbs (she was 11 lbs 3 oz at her last doctor's visit on July 31st so I'm guessing she's at least 12-13 lbs by now) and a couple inches.

  • Fiona is a HAPPY baby with lots of smiles for both Mom and Dad.

  • She's gone from sleeping all of the time (she still sleeps a lot, just not all the time), to actively playing with her toys. Sometimes she'll play happily for almost an hour. Other times she cries as soon as she's placed on the mat.

  • Fiona was baptized on August 17, 2008. Tom and Laura are her godparents. Laura is Jeff's cousin and she and her husband are responsible for Jeff and I meeting, so we felt it was fitting they be her godparents.

  • She's started sleeping through the night (yeah!) in her crib in her room (yeah!) and can even roll over from stomach to back (if her arms are in the right position). She spends a lot of time with her fists in her mouth (please find that thumb!). She loves her blankies and rubs them across her face when she's tired.

  • She's trying really hard to sit up whenever she's in a semi-reclined position (when she's in her bouncy chair or car seat)

  • Fiona loves to be out and about. She holds her head up really well (for the most part) and loves to look around to see what's going on. This can be frustrating when I'm grocery shopping and she wants to get out of her car seat. Thank goodness for the Baby Bjorn!

  • Fiona loves music which we discovered during the Olympics. Whenever the music would stop (such as during the gymnastics competitions) she would start crying. As soon as the music started up again, she'd stop crying. Thus we frequently have music playing in the background. It makes for a happier household!

  • We think Fiona might be a swimmer someday. She loves to take baths and just kicks and kicks and kicks. She tries to taste the water and doesn't mind when it gets in her eyes. Whenever she's grumpy, we put her in the tub and happy baby appears! It's magic!

Check back soon for further adventures in Growing Up Fiona.