Sunday, December 27, 2009


We finally got some measureable snow today and Fiona had a blast playing outside in it. We didn't stay out long, but stayed out long enough to get some good photos!

Fiona decided she wanted to go with Jeff's parents when they left. She went running out after them (without a coat, as you can see). Luckily she came running back inside before she could get too cold.
It's a little big, but she looks too cute in it! This picture doesn't show off the "jester" style hood which looks so silly and fun.

What is this stuff?

Feeding the birds

Fun at the Children's Museum

Recently we spent the morning playing at the Children's Museum. Fiona loved the water table and got soaked, even with the smock on!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Helping Daddy cut down the Christmas tree.


Look! Santa came!

Fiona's stocking was too heavy to hang on the mantle!

Fiona was a little slow on the uptake. She didn't see the presents right away because she was too focused on the kitty on my lap. She LOVED all her presents.

Playing with her musical dog. She picked this out at Big Lots and I hid it away. I love the way she's so interested in the wagging tail!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Fall Fun

Fiona has fallen in love with leaves and trees. She insists on walking around the block at least once a day to run through all the leaves and see what pretty ones we can find.

Two cuties

My mom surprised us with a nice long visit. She brought Fiona's Halloween costume with her. Fiona had so much fun playing with Grammie and Grammie had just as much fun.

Our Halloween scarecrow. Isn't she cute?

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Even More Vacation Pictures

Playing with Grampy

Fiona learned how to go down slides. She now has a new favorite thing to do at the park.

At Calumet Waterworks playing with the rocks.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

More vacation pics

For some reason, these three photos didn't load the first time around.

Vacation at Grammy and Grampy's

Over Labor Day weekend we made the long trip (in two days) up to Upper Michigan to visit my parents in their new home. They moved from Maine to Laurium, Michigan to be closer to my 87 year old grandfather. It was great to see their new house and to introduce Fiona to some of the fun places I visited as a child. Here are some photos chronicling our trip.

Sunday, after Mass we drove to Eagle River where they have a nice sandy beach. The weather was unseasonable warm (lower 80's) so nice weather for going to the beach. Although it was cooler by the water, and Lake Superior is ALWAYS cold, it didn't stop Fiona from plunging right in.
Fiona's first experience with wading in Lake Superior (or any large body of water).

Unfortunately she did fall a few times due to the waves and was done wading after that.

She was fascinated by the sand and liked digging in it with her shovels.

Family photo

Playing with Daddy. I can lift this heavy bucket of water! Luckily she didn't pour it all over Jeff.

On Wednesday we went to visit my Grandpa at the nursing home. The week my parents moved to Michigan, he fell and fractured his pelvis. So, he's been in a nursing home since then recovering and doing physical therapy to strengthen up so he can go back home.
Four generations: Grandpa (Steve) 87, Mom (Theresa) 61, Me (Jen) 35 and Fiona 15 months. Fiona wasn't sure what to make of him and is at a stage where she does NOT want to sit still so getting a good group photo was difficult. This was the best of the bunch! She did enjoy helping push his wheelchair around.

Playing with Grampy.

The highlight of Fiona's trip was walking around the block. Usually it involved Benny, my grandpa's poodle. Fiona just loved helping hold the leash and a couple times a day she would go out on their porch, grab the leash and bring it to us indicating she was ready to take Benny for walk. However, my mom picked up a doll stroller for her and Fiona had a lot of fun pushing that around as well. All in all it was a great vacation (exceping the fact I came back with an awful cold/ear infection). We can't wait to go back up to spend more time in such a beautiful area.

We got a chance to go to Swedetown (ski area) to hike. My parents picked wild blackberries while Jeff, Fiona and I took Mollie for a walk. We got to use one of Fiona's birthday presents, a backpack carrier from my mom's sister. Fiona loved being in it. I think that she liked being up so high! Mollie liked that she got to run and stretch her legs (and that Jeff threw sticks for her!).

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Fair Time

We spent last night at the Indiana State Fair. It was hot and humid, but so much fun. We went last year, too, so it was interesting to see Fiona's reaction to the animals, since last year she was too little to really get into it. She wasn't a huge fan of the animals. I think their size really scared her, which isn't surprising. Some of them were quite large!

Fiona with sheep

Baby piglets. I'm very glad I'm not a sow having to nurse that many children. One was quite enough!

Best friends

Fiona was NOT sure about this duck. She did pet it a little, but it kept moving which didn't sit well with Fiona. I can't remember what kind it is, but it's one that stand upright and looks funny running. It was a beautiful duck, but unnerving for Fiona.

She wouldn't get too close to the pigs either. But they did fascinate her.

Mom and Fiona walking through the swine barn.

More sheep

Mom, that cow is looking at me. Make it stop. Get me out of here!

Miss Independent

I love my yogurt.

I don't need any help, Mom. I'm just going to chew a hole in this end.

I love the look of concentration on her face. She tries SOOO hard.

Mom, really, I can feed myself.
