Monday, September 13, 2010

Michigan Fun

In July Fiona and I hitched a ride with my aunt and uncle up to my parent's house in Michigan. We had a blast! The weather was warm and sunny and even Lake Superior felt warm (a rare occurrence!).
Helping Poppa pack for his trip.

Watching the Strawberry Festival parade in Chassell. The strawberry shortcake was to die for! Fiona loved watching it all. Most of the candy wasn't appropriate for her, but she enjoyed the one sucker that came our way. We were nice and shared the other candy with the other kids who were watching.

Fiona's favorite part, playing at the beach with Nini. She loved going in the water and splashing in the waves. She also loved playing in the sand and rocks.
Beach babe!

Fiona (2) and Great-Grandpa (88) He thought she was something else!

Over Labor Day weekend we took a family trip back up to Michigan. This time the weather wasn't as warm, as you can see from the pictures, (we actually had to go out and buy some more warm clothing for Fiona!), but we had just as good of a time.

Nini, Fiona and Poppa

Playing in the sand. Notice the difference in clothing from one trip to the next!

Yay, we're at the beach!

First Day of School

Yay! I get to go to school today!

Today was Fiona's first day at Speedway Co-op Preschool and she loved it! She was so excited to go and bolted into the room as soon as Ms. Kenny opened the door. She had fun painting pictures (3 of them and wanted to help the other kids paint theirs!) and playing outside and didn't want to leave when I came to pick her up. She goes back on Wednesday. Telling her that was the only way I could get her to leave! I'm so glad she's enjoying it, as I was positive she would.

A non-cheesey smile! Normally she looks like she's grimacing!