Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Big Sister Fiona

Fiona has been wonderful with her new brother. She loves to hold him, give him his pacifier, and play with his toes. I'm so very proud of her.

Our first family photo after Trevor's arrival.
Hugs to my two sweet children.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Fiona's Birthday Fun

I'm finally getting around to posting photos from Fiona's birthday celebrations. I figured I'd better do it before our new bundle of joy arrives on Monday.

Butterfly cookies for her class at school. The recipe came from Family Fun Magazine and originally was on cupcakes, but Fiona loves sugar cookies so we put the white chocolate sprinkle covered butterflies on iced flower sugar cookies. They turned out pretty well and were fun to make.
Purple butterfly to match her shirt.

Dora party with friends

New kitchen set from Mommy and Daddy (and yes, she is wearing Christmas jammies!)

Fiona's kitty cake, as requested. I found the instructions on the Internet and it turned out pretty well, if I do say so. She loved it.

500 Festival Parade with MeMaw and PaPa

She HAD to have a Dora balloon. So Daddy took her to get one from one of the street vendors walking around before the parade started.

Daddy and Fiona

Mommy and Fiona

Getting ready to blow out the candles. She blew them out twice. The first time was soon after they were lit but before we sang to her. So, Jeff had to relight them so we could sing and then she blew them out again. She loved the attention and for weeks afterward kept asking when it was going to be her birthday again!

Second time blowing out the candles!

Fiona's actual birthday day (Indy 500 Morning) wearing a diaper and her new dress up clothes from Aunt Jackie, Uncle Ken, Danny and Jack. I think she changed clothes four times that day!

Visiting the new tiger exhibit at the zoo

Our water baby. Her favorite thing at the zoo is to play in the splash park.

All in all, Fiona had an awesome birthday. She's growing up way to quickly (where did my sweet little baby go?) but is so much fun these days. We're enjoying her personality as it continues to develop in fun ways. I can't wait to see what happens once her baby brother arrives. It will be rough, but she's going to be a great big sister.