Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Valentine Fun

We spent Valentine's Day weekend up in South Bend helping Jeff's mom celebrate her birthday. Jeff and his dad went to the Notre Dame basketball game. Jeff refused to wear the lucky sweater vest. So, Fiona stepped up to the plate, or should I say basket, and wore it, thus ensuring that Notre Dame won.

MeeMaw and PaPa spoil their little princess, as is their right. Here's Fiona in her princess dress on her new unicorn. She loves it! Sigh...I see a lot of pink and purple in our future.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Bathtime Fun!

Fiona loves taking baths. She gets really excited when we go downstairs and start the water running. Once she's in the water, no one stays dry.

She's growing up so fast. Next Monday she goes to the doctor for her 9 month check up! Over the past few weeks she's reached so many milestones. She now has two teeth (which can be glimpsed in the video), can wave bye-bye most of the time, she's working on pulling herself up and is scooting all over the living room. Nothing is safe from her grasping, curious hands and mouth. At the same time, she's just so happy and loves to play and go out and about. We're so blessed. Now if only she'd start sleeping through the night....

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Voices from the Crib

What we hear while Fiona settles down to sleep.

Thanks to video uploading issues, it's just now getting posted.

Quirky Child

Our child is becoming more and more quirky and grown up. She's got one and a half teeth. Not that she'll show them for a picture. If I pull down her bottom lip, she sticks her tongue out so it covers the teeth. She's moving and grooving, too. While she's not crawling yet, she's getting more and more adept at scooting around the room, much to my dismay. I can't just set her down while I need to do something elsewhere and expect her to be in the same place when I return. Usually she's pretty good, staying around her toys. However, she did pull napkins off the ottoman yesterday and try to eat them. She also scooted over to the DVR and find one of my magazines to chew on. But, she continues to entertain herself quite well for long stretches of time, as long as the toys change every couple of days.

Here are two videos. In the first she's playing with her bongos, shaking her head no, bouncing up and down in her version of dancing and just being silly.

In the this one, she's showing off her vain side.

She spent a good ten minutes playing with this mirror, looking at herself and laughing. It was quite funny.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Toys, Glorious Toys

Yesterday I bought a new basket for Fiona's toys. I think she likes it.

Unfortunately it's so full of toys now there is no room for her!