Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Quirky Child

Our child is becoming more and more quirky and grown up. She's got one and a half teeth. Not that she'll show them for a picture. If I pull down her bottom lip, she sticks her tongue out so it covers the teeth. She's moving and grooving, too. While she's not crawling yet, she's getting more and more adept at scooting around the room, much to my dismay. I can't just set her down while I need to do something elsewhere and expect her to be in the same place when I return. Usually she's pretty good, staying around her toys. However, she did pull napkins off the ottoman yesterday and try to eat them. She also scooted over to the DVR and find one of my magazines to chew on. But, she continues to entertain herself quite well for long stretches of time, as long as the toys change every couple of days.

Here are two videos. In the first she's playing with her bongos, shaking her head no, bouncing up and down in her version of dancing and just being silly.

In the this one, she's showing off her vain side.

She spent a good ten minutes playing with this mirror, looking at herself and laughing. It was quite funny.

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