Thursday, March 11, 2010

Recent Visitors

We've had a few visitors to the Humphrey household recently. Here's some video from their visits.

Fiona was looking out the front window. I asked her if there were any animals outside as we frequently have squirrels and birds visiting to eat the bird seed we put out for them (it's one of Fiona's favorite things to do--feed the birds). Fiona said yes, it was a kitty. I looked and found this instead!

Another special set of recent visitors were my parents, who were on their way back home after visiting my younger brother out in Arizona. I'm not sure who had more fun, Fiona or my parents! I love that she can't say Grammie or Grandpa yet. Instead, she calls my mom Mie (short from Grammie) and my dad, Bapa (short for Grandpa). I'm sure she'll eventually get them both right, but for now, I love hearing those names come out of her mouth. Unfortunately it was a quick visit. After they left Fiona kept asking for them. Bapa? Mie? I kept telling her they went bye-bye in their car, that they had to go home to their house. I don't think she's happy about this. She's still asking for them! Luckily Jeff's parents come in a couple weeks, so she'll get more quality grandparent time.

Not to leave Jeff's parents out of the mix, Fiona calls them MeMaw and Papa. She says those fairly clearly, as they are easier for her to pronounce. On a recent visit to their house in Mishawaka, whenever Papa or MeMaw would leave the room without her, she'd look around and say, "MeMaw go?" (or "Papa go?") with her hands raised, palms facing up (in other words she's saying, where did MeMaw go?). Very, very cute!

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