Sunday, March 6, 2011

Catching Up

It's been almost five months since my last post and a LOT has happened in that time. It's been a fun time with Fiona growing by leaps and bounds. She continues to love school, spends a lot of time singing a variety of songs, some of which she makes up herself, and LOVES to build puzzles. She's progressed from 9 piece puzzles at Christmas to 24 piece puzzles. We must do at least three puzzles a day if not more. Here are some pictures from the last five months.

Fiona loves to read books before falling asleep at night or during naptime. Sometimes this is what we find when we go check on her. It always makes me laugh.

She definitely got the puzzle gene from my mom's side of the family. Here she is helping Grammie and Auntie Chris build a BIG puzzle.

Fiona's first train ride. We went on a pumpkin train that left from Connersville. The ride was way too short, but she loved every minute of it.

Hayride to the "pumpkin patch."

I want this one!

Making Christmas cookies with MeeMaw. Fiona has become quite the baker. She loves to help out in the kitchen, either with the cooking (cutting up mushrooms, tearing lettuce) or baking (mixing cupcake dough, rolling out sugar cookies) or washing dishes (she loves to play in the water and bubbles).

Tasting time
Not a big fan of Santa yet, although she knows who he is. This was at the Taghon Christmas Party the first weekend in December. She had a lot of fun playing with her extended family of relatives.

Cutting down our Christmas tree.

First time down the Yule Slide at the Children's Museum

Christmas morning. Fiona was SOOOO excited about her baby center. She kept patting it and squealing.

Reading "Heads" by Matthew Van Fleet with Grammie. Of course Fiona still loves reading!

Her new Little People Wheelies track. She still plays with that almost every day. She loves the cars and they tend to be her toy of choice whenever we go out to eat. She play peacefully with them so Jeff and I can actually carry on a conversation!
After our huge ice storm (2 inches of ice with snow on top) Fiona rediscovered her bubble mower and insisted on using it. So, here she is mowing the snow.

First pony tail! She isn't a huge fan and will only keep a pony or pig tails in for a short while (sometimes a few hours), but she looks SOOOO cute in it. I love the way her features become more prominent.

Cupcake face. Today we made cupcakes and I guess they turned out pretty good since this is the result after eating one unfrosted and one frosted cupcake. We frosted them green in honor of spring and St. Patrick's Day. I'm sure we'll make more before St. Patrick's Day gets here.

Cheese you later!

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