Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Over the River and Through the Woods

We spent this past weekend at Jeff's parent's house in South Bend. For the most part Fiona travels well, especially if we leave in the morning when she takes a longer nap.
She didn't do so well on the way home. She got tired of being cooped up in her carseat, got overtired and hungry. It was a relief to get home!
MeeMaw got a chance to feed Fiona cereal, gave her two baths and lots and lots of hugs and cuddles! Fiona just ate it all up (pun intended!).
On Sunday we took Fiona to pick out her pumpkin and I couldn't resist the photo op. As you can see from the hay on her pants, she took a face plant into the hay (I'm such a good Mom). However it didn't phase her and she sat patiently (with a little help from Mom) while we took a ton of pictures. Doesn't she make a cute jack-o-lantern? She even has the open mouth grin down! However, for Halloween she's going to be a big, red lobster. Pictures of that to come later.

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