Thursday, October 23, 2008

Walking In Sunshine

Even though it was cool outside, yesterday was too beautiful to remain cooped up inside. So, Fiona and I went for a little walk. Here are the before and after shots of our journey.

I'm all bundled up and ready to go Mom!

I think we need to get her a smaller hat as this one kept sliding down over her eyes. Notice that even in the stroller she assumes her sleeping position!

Usually when the stroller stops moving, Fiona wakes up. This time she was so sleepy that she stayed asleep so I was able to park her on the back porch and work out in the garden for awhile.


Emily said...

What is this "work in the garden" crap? Just let the weeds grow like all of the other new parents! Haha

Jen said...

But it's my stress reliever and only form of exercise! I love being out there and it's been hard seeing it look so awful. Now the inside of my house looks like every other new parent's house (cluttered, full of baby paraphenalia and "dirty".)