Thursday, November 13, 2008


Generally speaking, Fiona is a joy to be around and makes being a parent fairly easy. However, for the past two weeks, she's been a challenge. She's fought napping and going to bed at night. She's also fought nursing, even though I know she's hungry (it's like she knows if she nurses, she'll fall asleep and since she doesn't want to fall asleep, she refuses to nurse). Sigh. Slowly we're getting back to "normal." Last night she was in bed around 9:00! She did wake up around 10:00 to eat again, but went right back to sleep. This is a break through, since before she'd fall asleep around 8:00, sleep for 45 minutes and then wake up ready to play until 11:30 (which is why I was awake to hear the vandalism Saturday night).

I'm thinking some of her sleep problems stem from hunger, so I'm upping the amount of solids she gets during the day. Luckily she's really caught on to the whole solids thing and is enjoying it. Of course the fingers in the mouth after I've just put a spoonful of food in isn't a pretty sight. :-) But she looks so cute sitting in her highchair I can't get upset.

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