Thursday, November 13, 2008


Hindsight, they say, is 20/20. Last Saturday night, while Jeff was off video-ing a wedding, Fiona and I were enjoying some quality time together at home. Around 10:30 p.m. I heard some banging out in our backyard. I peeked out the window, but couldn't really see anything. It was windy, so I just figured it was something blowing around on our back porch. Nope, it wasn't. This is what we woke up to the next morning.

This is what is left of our back fence as seen from our neighbor's backyard and looking towards our house. Pretty, isn't it? The vandals pushed over about 25 feet of our fence, snapped off two posts and then went on to damage another neighbor's fence (about forty-five minutes later based on the sounds I heard). I should have listened to my gut instinct and called the police (which is what they told us when they came to view the damage and fill out the police report). I even thought when I was hearing the banging that it sounded like someone tearing down our fence, as our next door neighbor had their fence broken a few weeks ago (no where near as bad as ours and easily fixable with a few nails and some time). So now we have a new view out our kitchen window which will hopefully be fixed by the time race season rolls around and our neighbor parks RVs in his backyard!

Lesson learned: When Jen is home alone with the baby and hears strange noises outside, call the police.

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