Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Family Reunion 2009

Every year Jeff's mother's family (the Taghon's) has a reunion the last weekend in June up at Potato Creek State Park up near South Bend. It's a lot of fun with great food, skits, and usually camping (although not this year). Here are some photos from the festivities.

Fiona with Uncle Shawn

Fiona and Owen
They are the two youngest of the second cousins. Owen is about two months younger than Fiona and it was fun to watch the two of them interact.

The identical outfits on Margaret and me was completely unplanned (we have khaki shorts on, too). Even our kids were dressed in similar colors. I've nicknamed us the Twins. Margaret and Owen live in Colorado so it was great that they were able to make it to the reunion.

I've been busy redoing our bathroom, which is NOT easy with a 1 year old around. Fiona doesn't like me working on it while she is awake. Afterall, I'm there to entertain her, not sequester myself in the bathroom and ignore her! So, it's been a slow process. Hopefully it will all be done by the end of July! Jeff started a new job at the beginning of June and so far it's been a great change for him. He now works for IVCi, LLC. They provide video conferencing for companies. Jeff is their on the spot person at WellPoint. They're starting him off slow, which has meant for some slow days, but it will pick up once he's fully trained. He enjoys being down on Monument Circle as he can walk around outside during his lunch hour. He hasn't enjoyed having to get up early and wear "real" clothes (slacks and dress shirts)!

Fiona is walking everywhere and doesn't like to sit in the cart at the grocery (big surprise), so we usually go as a whole family so one person can monitor Fiona while the other shops. She loves to watch the fish at Meijer and could probably spend hours watching them if I let her. Of course then I would get nothing done! Her newest word is woof, which she says whenever she hears or sees a dog. She also loves to point out the airplanes in the sky (one of the benefits of living in the flight path for the airport and living so close to it is that we see LOTS of planes). She points at them and says see, see. She also loves to play boof (peek-a-boo). She'll put her blanket over her head and pull and down and say boof. Too cute! She keeps us busy and keeps us laughing, which is a good thing. We have some busy weekends coming up so hopefully I'll have some fun things to post soon!

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