Thursday, July 9, 2009

Other Updates

In other news, Fiona had her one year check up finally. We were without regular health insurance for one month after Jeff started his new job, so we had to move her appointment from June to July. She's doing great. She weighs 20 lbs 7 oz and is 31 1/8 inches tall. This puts her at 25th percentile for weight, but 95th percentile for height. She doesn't look that unproportioned to me, but that's what the charts say. It was a relief to have the doctor unconcerned about her lack of interest in solids. She said it's probably just teething issues as there are a bunch of new teeth coming in and to just keep offering the foods and eventually she'll start eating more. She also wasn't concerned about her not eating table food. Fiona has a strong gag reflex that kicks up as soon as something lumpy hits her tongue. This includes soft fruits, bread, puffy treats, etc. She's interested but can't get past the texture thing. I'll be glad when she gets over that!

Here are a few pictures from a June trip to White River Gardens.

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