Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Fiona's Newest Trick

Fiona has found her voice and now spends a majority of her waking time squealing, usually with her hands in her mouth. Sigh...of course she stops as soon as I turn on the video camera, but here's a taste of it.

Fiona also rolled over from back to front for the first time on Monday. The weather has cooled off some so we were in her room while I was rearranging her dresser drawers. She was on the floor playing. I had my back to her while I was organizing her socks. I turned back around and she was on her stomach! I couldn't believe it. Her right arm was still stuck under her, which enabled her to roll back onto her back, but it's a sign of how big she's getting. She hasn't replicated the feat. Yet. Before I know it she'll be crawling and my easy life will end. Thank goodness we have a pack 'n play in which to corral her.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Jenny, Happy Birthday late. I love looking at the pictures of Fiona and especially the video. She is such a beautiful and looks like a happy, sleepy baby. I'm glad you went back tow ork though I do know how much you miss her. Love you, Norma