Friday, September 5, 2008

Going to the Zoo, Zoo, Zoo

Koalas are my favorite animal. They have been ever since I received a stuffed koala as a gift when I was younger (4th grade?). This summer the Indianapolis Zoo hosted two koalas from the San Diego Zoo. So, for my birthday I asked to go to the zoo and see the koalas before they returned to California. Jeff even took the day off work so we could go as a family. They were very cute, but not very active. We had a great time walking around seeing all the animals (tiger, polar bear, dolphins, monkeys, giraffes, elephants, etc). Fiona enjoyed most of it and even helped me feed the Lorikeets.

The bright colors of the birds interested her. She also enjoyed watching the tropical fish swim around. We figure she was wondering how her bouncy chair fish came alive! Unfortunately it was too dark in the aquarium part to get a good picture. I can't wait until she's old enough to really enjoy seeing all the animals. This is how she spent a good portion of the visit.

But, her sleeping allowed us to enjoy watching the animals and put her in a better mood for when she was awake.

Spending the day as a family was a great way to spend my first birthday as a mom.

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