Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Grueling day

The things I go through for my parents.

Mommy had an early morning staff meeting today so I had to be up and ready to go with her at 7am. What does she think I am, some 2 month old? And it was bad enough that I had to endure the pre-sunrise car ride, but you'll never guess who the guest speaker was...Daddy! Like I don't have to put up with him for enough hours on Tuesday nights. The topic was something along the lines of blah, blah, blah. I didn't really pay much attention since I was being passed around by the fawning masses. I remember that everyone clapped after he shut up. I know the feeling. All that did was wake me up.

After visiting all of the library people you'd think I could go home and rest. But no, we had to go visit Daddy's work. More fawning, but I was a hungry girl longing for my crib. We stayed long enough to say Happy Birthday to Chelsa, then mommy finally took me home.

All and all, I was a pretty good girl if I may say so myself. But as you can see in the above picture, I crashed around 5. It sure is tough being me.

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