Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Busy Baby!

Fiona and Grammy
We've been super busy the last few weeks. My mom came out to visit both her sister and of course Fiona. My aunt lives down in Brown County so Fiona and I spent a few days down there, leaving Jeff to hold down the fort in Speedway. It was the first time Fiona and Jeff had been away from each other at night. Needless to say, they both missed each other. Fiona was very glad to be back in her own bed and to see all her toys again.

Fiona has learned to roll. It all started October 11th when she flipped from back to stomach for the first time. She'd semi-rolled before, but each time her arm remained stuck under her belly. This time she completely flipped over and then looked around surprised to be in that position. That night all she wanted to do was practice, practice, practice. She was so tired she was crying, but kept working at it and wouldn't go to sleep, but continued trying to roll when I placed her in her crib. She finally wore herself out. Then this past Saturday while I was working, Jeff had her on the floor while he read the paper. She was being awfully quiet so Jeff looked over and she'd made it to the front door! Since then we've had to keep watch over her. Our days of putting her down on the floor while we try to get stuff done elsewhere are over.

Luckily we now have an activity center she can go in and she loves it!

I've spent the last few days trying to get the garden ready for winter. It's been sorely neglected over the last year due to pregnancy and Fiona's arrival. The lilies and irises all need to be separated which is a BIG job as we have a lot of them. Sigh...luckily Fiona likes being out and about and spent some time yesterday helping me.

We even saw a praying mantis. I felt bad disturbing his habitat, so I left some of the plants up.This is the second one I've seen in the garden this year. I guess not doing anything to the garden (weeding, pruning, etc.) made it a haven for the bugs. There's still a ton of work left, but it's satisfying and the compost we get from all the leavings will only enrich the soil and hopefully make even prettier flowers next year.


Emily said...

She is growing up way too quickly. Please tell her to slow down.

BTW...this is super funny. The one time we visited you and Gabby saw Fiona, Fiona had on a purple and white striped outfit. Now anytime I pull out a striped outfit for Gabby, she'll go "FIONA!!!" What a weirdo!

Jen said...

I think that is so sweet! Isn't it amazing the things kids remember? Gabby is such a ham. I love watching her videos and can't wait to see what she comes up with next.

And yes, Fiona is growing up way too quickly. I would be very happy if she'd stay just as she is for a few more months. Most parents can't wait until their baby starts crawling. Me, I'd rather she never became mobile! Some people have kids who don't sleep, I will be the mom with a kid who never stays still. Sigh...we all have our challenges.