Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas Eve

Here are some pictures of us all ready for Christmas Eve Mass.
Fiona's modeling a dress made by Grammy. It's a beautiful corduroy with snowflakes embroidered on it. She looked so pretty in it and was a very good girl at church. Unlike the slightly younger boy sitting across the aisle from us, she didn't burp immediately following the Consecration. It was the children's Mass, so the children's choir sang. Fiona sang along with them. It was really cute to hear her go lalalala, too. After Communion there was a surprise guest. Santa came in, went over to the nativity, said a prayer and then we all said a blessing over him. It was a really neat way to combine the two traditions. The kids, of course, were super excited to see him. He said not a word but waved to everyone and then left to begin his busy night.
Here's Fiona with her stylish and handsome DaDa.

Fiona and Mom.
I finally couldn't take my long hair anymore and got it chopped off on Christmas Eve morning at Great Clips. I love it! It's even got some wave to it which it's never had before.
Every Christmas Eve we go over to Tom and Laura's for dinner. Fiona had a blast playing with Mary Grace and Olivia until she got too tired and we had to get her home for bed.
She also had fun playing with Cousin Nathan. I think he had a blast, too.

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