Saturday, December 27, 2008

Fiona's First Christmas

We decided to spend Fiona's first Christmas at home, especially as we know she wouldn't really understand it was Christmas. However, we did drive down to my aunt and uncle's house in Brown County for Christmas dinner. This allowed my cousin Jessica to finally meet Fiona. And hey, it meant I didn't have to cook!

Fiona's first Christmas Tree. We went for a smaller one that's in a pot so we can plant it outside in the spring. The branches wouldn't hold any lights which was too bad as Fiona enjoys looking at them, but with all the baby stuff and toys in our living room we didn't have room for our slightly bigger fake tree. Maybe next year!
Fiona looking at her first present from Santa. Of course she enjoyed pulling the paper off and putting it in her mouth (as seen in the next two pictures).

Playing with her fishbowl.
Following Emily's lead, I will post a picture soon of all the new things she received for Christmas. First I have to round them all up!

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