Sunday, December 21, 2008


Here are some pictures from the last few weeks. My baby is growing up way too fast.

What happens when Mom insists on feeding Fiona more carrots when she doesn't want anymore.

My beautiful girl.

Slowly she's learning how to drink out of a sippy cup.

My big girl sitting up by herself (only for short periods of time) in front of our Christmas tree. We're looking forward to our first Christmas with her. She's at such a fun age. She's playing more and more with her toys, laughing all the time, and getting into a better napping schedule. She's actually sleeping more than 20-40 minutes at a time now, which is good because she needs it. Now if only she'd start sleeping through the night! She got up 4-5 times last night (I lost count). Either she's teething or she's going through a growth spurt. I'm not sure which one I'd like it to be. I love my sweet baby girl.

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