Friday, May 29, 2009

Birthday Girl

What a difference a year makes. It's hard to believe Fiona's one already. It's gone incredibly fast. She's such a joy and blessing. She loves to look at books (surprising with two librarians as parents!), is walking, loves to be outdoors, loves music, dogs (she's starting to bark when she hears them), gives kisses, likes to do downward dog and look through her legs, and more. Now if only she'd start sleeping through the night. Luckily she's so darn cute I can't get too upset when she wakes me up to eat (even when it's only been an hour). I know I'll miss those special moments when they're gone.
P.S. Thanks to Kenton, Emily and Gabby for the beautiful dress. It fits perfectly and she looks so cute in it.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Haha! I'm glad you put your "P.S." at the end because I didn't even recognize the dress at first! I had to blow the picture up, then I recognized it. She looks gorgeous in it! I can't believe she is just now in it, but then again, I can't remember what size I bought you!

Fiona, you are sweeter than honey. I wish we got to see you more, but are so glad your mommy puts all kinds of cute things on the blog so we can stay in touch. Happy 1st Birthday, sweetie!