Sunday, May 17, 2009


St. Patrick's Day jail bird.

Mom, these lids are tasty. Why don't you let me eat them more often?

Easter morning

Easter dress

Fiona with her Easter basket from her Godparents.
She loved the grass (as well as the book and toys!).
Her newest "trick". She likes to throw herself backwards onto the ottoman or sofa or us. She's a weirdo! My mom made the outfit. The pants are supposed to be capris, but as you can see, they fall down to her ankles. This is great as it means she should be able to wear it all summer without out growing them. I love the fishy fabric. Very summery!

She LOVES to help us read the newspaper or go through the coupons. She's become known as Hurricane Fiona because our house always looks like one has gone through it.

She loves to be outside. Luckily she'll stay on the blanket so I can actually get some yard work done while she's awake.

Megan's graduation from the University of Indianapolis.
In other news, today she took the most steps ever...7! She did it more than once, too. She walked from her gate to the ottoman and from the ottoman towards the front door before she fell. She also walked from the refrigerator to a chair in the dining room. Yeah! It won't be long and she'll be cruising around the house.
My baby is growing up way too fast. I don't know where this past year went!

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