Thursday, May 14, 2009

Time Flies

A lot has happened since our last post. First she got bronchitis. Her cough scared me to death. I literally thought she would choke to death. Thank goodness for antibiotics which got it cleared up. She still coughed for a while but it wasn't the awful wet gasping cough which had us going to Urgent Care. This meant a few nights of very bad sleep for all of us. Once she was done with the bronchitis her top two teeth started coming in, which meant more bad sleep. Things are finally getting back to "normal" (just in time for more teeth to come through, I'm sure).

Fiona is growing by leaps and bounds. She's trying so very hard to walk and even took a few steps last night. She's been walking around the furniture for weeks and loves to hold onto our fingers and walk around outside. She also will pull herself up and walk down the hallway holding onto the wall with one hand for balance. Now she gets momentum going while walking along the furniture and then lets go and walks a few lurching, lunging steps before crashing to the floor. It won't be long before she's truly walking.

She loves to be outside. With the rain the last few days she has not been happy cooped up inside. She doesn't yet understand how wet it is out there!

She loves to read her books and will sit on the floor for a good 20 minutes looking at them. You couldn't tell she's the child of two librarians!

In other news, Jeff got a new job and will be starting it on June 1st. He will be working for IVCi, a NY-based video conferencing company. One of their clients, Wellpoint, is in Indianapolis and Jeff will be working there monitoring their video conferencing stuff. We're all thrilled with this new opportunity for him. It will be a change for all of us since it won't be as flexible in the hours (no more coming home early or going in late when I have something going on at work), but we'll manage. It's worth it!

Will post pictures once blogger decides to cooperate.

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