Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Feeding Time

At Fiona's 4 month doctor's appointment, the doctor gave us the go ahead to start giving Fiona cereal. I had planned on waiting another month, which the doctor agreed was fine, especially if Fiona was sleeping through the night. Well, after the appointment, Fiona stopped sleeping through the night and has gotten up at least once every night since (usually at 2 am, though last night it was 4:30). So, I decided to try giving her some cereal. Needless to say, thus far she's not a fan. More of it ends up on her face than in her mouth. She doesn't seem to like the texture,
and makes the most disgusted face. Hopefully she'll get the hang of it soon so I can get all my beauty rest! :-)


Alina Klein said...

Hi, Jennifer! Wow, Fiona's a doll. I'm glad I found you through the comment you left on my blog. It's a fun way to keep in touch.

And, boy, I do hope you get your beauty rest, but I'm jealous of the once a night schedule you already have. Do you know how good you have it? I know several kids who didn't sleep through the night until they were over a year old!

Good luck with the cereal. :)

Emily said...

Seriously! I can't believe she already sleeps through the night. Don't expect that from future children! Fiona must just be exceptional, but we aren't surprised. :)

It takes them a few weeks to get used to the solid food. Gabby hated cereal for a long time so I decided just to start giving her fruits and veggies. She loved those. I ended up thickening them up with cereal and that was pretty much how she always ate it. She rarely would eat cereal by itself. I don't blame her.

Jen said...

I do know how lucky I am that Fiona sleeps as well as she does. Jeff and I have even questioned having more children based on how lucky we are to have such a pleasant baby!

I have tried bananas mixed in with the cereal, but she still doesn't have the swallowing thing down. But, I will persevere and keep trying. Eventually she'll learn how to eat it.