Monday, December 1, 2008


Poor Fiona came down with a stomach bug a week ago. I got home from work on Thursday (not Thanksgiving) to a crying baby who threw up soon after. She had dry heaves all night, which we spent sleeping on the couch. I tried feeding her around 5 am, but that just caused her to throw up again, so we stopped that experiment! I called in sick and we spent the day cuddling and sleeping on the couch. She finally started perking up around 4pm. She scarfed down the Pedialyte Daddy brought home and soon after was nursing again. Yeah! While the illness was short lived the after effects (?) were not. I spent a week with a clingy, whiney baby. She only wanted Mom, didn't want to sleep in her crib (or anywhere but ON me), and cried whenever I left the room. Daddy finally laid down the law on Monday night around 11:30 p.m., put her in her crib and shut the door. In less than 5 minutes she was down to whimpering and soon fell asleep. She still woke up every few hours to nurse, but at least she was asleep in her crib! She still cries a little when we put her in her crib, but she's so much better. Our happy baby is back. Unfortunately she now has the sniffles, but seems to be doing okay with that. We've elevated one half of her crib and she's sleeping and breathing okay (even if Mommy wants to keep suctioning out her poor snorkley nose).

On a brighter note, she had her 6 month check up today. She now weighs 14 lbs 14 oz and is 26 5/8 inches long. She's in the 75% for height, but only 25% for weight. Our sweet beanpole.

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with Jeff's parents, two brothers and their families and Jeff's cousin visiting. Fiona didn't lack for love (even though she was super clingy to Mom. I got to really experience one handed cooking). Thankfully everyone understood and were a big help in getting the meal ready. Let's just say I was very glad to go back to work on Friday and let MeeMaw and Jeff take care of clingy girl! I very much needed the break. Working part time is perfect for me. I come home a much happier Mom.


Emily said...

Lordy, lordy Fiona. You need to give your parents a rest from this sickness stuff! If it makes you feel any better, Gabby has been so sick the past month. I am about to go crazy being home with her so much and her attachment to me has become ridiculous because of all the time we spend together. I just want to go to a playdate here and there. Is that too much to ask for?

Hope she is doing better. I haven't ever seen a baby dry heave, but I can't imagine it is pretty.

Jen said...

Yeah, it wasn't pretty, but she's feeling much better. She's had a drippy nose, but that's all.

Sorry Gabby has been so sick. Hopefully she'll give you a reprieve soon!