Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I guess I should have mentioned in my last post that the reason we were on a plane in the first place was to visit my parents in Maine. The weather was cold but sunny, which made up for the cold. My dad hadn't seen Fiona since August and she'd changed just a little. They had a blast with horsey rides and general horsing around.

My mom, dad and Fiona in front of my dad's work.
The Humphrey's by Boothbay Harbor.

Grammie and Fiona
Fiona had so much fun playing with my mom and dad. This may be the one and only time she visits them in Maine as they are in the process of retiring and moving back to the midwest. It makes me both sad and happy. Sad to "lose" my childhood home (and a great place to vacation) and happy to have them closer to us. But, we had a great time. Fiona was spoiled, of course, and the visit was way too short, but totally worth it!

First Flight

We took Fiona on her first plane flight last week. She was AWESOME! She had a blast trolling around the airports (Indy's new terminal is superb! Security was a breeze as we got to go through the special family/handicap lane), watching people, and flirting with the other passengers and flight attendants. We couldn't have had an easier time. She had no trouble with her ears. The first time we landed she got a little freaked out by the g-forces, but by the time we landed to come home, she slept through the entire landing! I'm sure the next time won't be as easy as she'll be more mobile and verbal, but I'm glad this first one was as easy as it was. Here are a few pictures from the Newark airport and from on the plane.
Who needs toys when there are napkins to play with?

She crawled under the seats in the waiting area and found these napkins of ours that had fallen off the seats. She had a blast ripping them up and throwing them up in the air. Surprisingly they didn't go in her mouth!

She spent most of the flights on my lap. This particular flight was WARM as denoted by our rosy cheeks!

Daddy and Fiona playing with her phone. Thank goodness we didn't have to worry about that one being a portable electronic that needed to be turned off for take offs and landings!

Exploring the Indy airport.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I've Got a Butt

Fiona dancing to "I've Got a Butt" by Uncle Jim (from the CD Let There Be Fun)

We were listening to Kids Place Live on XM. I love this channel. Lot's of great kids music that isn't too annoying (like the Disney Kids channel).

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Nap? What nap?

Hi Mom! You mean I'm supposed to be sleeping? I thought it was play time.

Last night (around 3 a.m.) I went in to feed Fiona and she was sitting up in bed. That's the first time she's done it in the middle of the night. This afternoon I put her down for a nap. She was squealing and playing, which she sometimes does, but she does eventually fall asleep. She started crying/fussing so I went in to check on her and she was standing up in her crib. I called Jeff in to see her and get a picture. As he said, "Good thing you lowered the crib mattress last weekend!" I knew it was only a matter of time before she started pulling up in the crib since she's been practicing on all the living room furniture this past week. She's almost crawling and I'm sure she'll be walking way before I'm ready for her to. Sigh...they really do grow up too fast.

Lions, Tigers and Bears, Oh My!

Saturday Fiona and I joined Barb, Max and Jack at the Indianapolis Zoo. It was a little cool so the animals were very active. The rhinos actually moved!

Jack, Fiona and Max

The lions were extremely close to the fence so it was easy to see them. The male looked so regal. Fiona really liked them. I think she would have chased them like she does JoJo if she'd gotten into the pen!

It's hard to see, but there is a dolphin in this picture. Fiona screeched in this section. I don't know if it was being surrounded by her favorite medium (water) or just the cool echoes it made. I ended up leaving with a headache. Imagin that!

We had a great time and the boys loved showing Fiona all the animals. Next time we'll make time to get to the oceans exhibit so Fiona can see the fish. We all pooped out before we could get there.

Jail House Rock

Jeff took the garbage out to the curb Thursday night. This is what he saw when he came back inside. :-)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Cutie Pie

My daughter is way too photogenic! On a whim, I stopped off at the Target photobooth last week to see if they had an opening to get Fiona's pictures taken. The last professional photo we had taken of her was when she was in the hospital! Here we are 9 months later...

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Another Milestone Reached

My baby is quickly growing up. She's clapping, scooting around and for the first time today, she's able to get herself into a sitting position from her back. The first time was this morning while I was getting her dressed. She was on her back on her changing mat while I was putting her clean clothes away. I turned around and she was sitting up! Of course we immediately called Daddy to tell him the good news. Then, after playing in her crib for an hour (instead of napping), she started crying. I went in expecting her to be on her stomach, but no, she was sitting up in her crib! Soon it will be standing, then walking, then talking, then college...Sweet Fiona, please stay a baby a little while longer? Mommy doesn't want you to grow up too fast.

Monday, March 2, 2009

She's Popeye the Sailor Girl...

Yes my daughter loves her spinach. It started as a fluke. I bought a jar of Earth's Best spinach and potatoes just to give her some variety. She hasn't been a big fan of vegetables, but I thought I'd give it a try. She polished off the entire amount I made for her and seemed to want more! So, today I made my own spinach and potatoes (thanks for the encouragement Alina!). She ate it right up too, that is until she got a small potato lump in her mouth and started gagging. Guess I need to get the food mill out and grind it all smaller. Spinach is one of the things we eat a lot of in our household, so I'm very happy to see Fiona liking it as well.

She went to the doctor for her 9 month physical this morning. She's checking in at 18 lbs 1 oz and is 28 3/8 inches long! I had her pegged for only 16 lbs. Guess all the solids she's been eating the last couple weeks has been helping her pack on the pounds. She got a rave review by the doctor and only had to get one shot this trip. Phew!

Fiona's sweet toothers

Sock? What sock? You didn't put any socks on my this morning. Honest!
(Fiona's favorite toys are her socks and her shape blocks. It's so much fun watching her with her socks. She waves them around, squeals and even talks to them!)

Modeling her too big winter coat. Good thing we can exchange it for a different size.